Ms. Hudson is the President and CEO of Louisiana Lottery Corporation and has served in that capacity since 2006. Ms. Hudson has been active in service to the Baton Rouge community for many years. She currently serves on the board of directors of the Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Foundation as past chair. She is also the immediate past chair of the board of directors of Woman's Hospital. She currently serves as a board member of Dillard University in New Orleans. In addition, as the President and CEO of Louisiana Lottery Corporation for almost 20 years, Ms. Hudson brings to the board valuable insight into the processes and procedures necessary to manage a large, highly-regulated enterprise. Ms. Hudson’s leadership experience, education, and management experience, as well as extensive involvement in the local community, qualify her to serve on our board.
Mr. Melara is the President and CEO of Melara Enterprises, LLC which publishes the Greater Baton Rouge Business Report, 225 Magazine, inRegister Magazine, Daily Report online news, 1012 Industry Report, and other specialty publications. He is also the President and CEO of StudioE, a content, communications and creative studio. He serves and has served on numerous Boards of Directors, including the National Alliance of Area Business Publishers, Tiger Athletic Foundation, and Joe Burrow Foundation. Mr. Melara's background as a businessman and extensive involvement in the local community qualify him to serve on our board. Mr. Melara qualifies as an audit committee financial expert.
Dr. Yegge is a board certified nephrologist at the Renal Associates of Baton Rouge, LLC. He has lived in the Baton Rouge area since 2002. Dr. Yegge’s background as a physician and relationships in the local community offer a unique perspective on our banking operations with regard to understanding how we can better serve our customers’ needs.